We Offer Small-Group Lessons
and One-on-One Tutoring
Our ongoing small-group lessons are for children in grades 2-6.
All lessons are limited to six students and are held over Zoom.
Ongoing lessons in different subject areas meet twice a week for 45 minutes and run throughout the year. Students may join a lesson group at any time after consultation with the Montessori Guide.
One-on-one tutoring sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes per session.
Small-Group Lessons
Small-group ongoing lessons are currently offered in three different subject areas. Students may enroll in any number of ongoing lesson groups. Students who join a lesson group after its formation may be asked to attend a one- or two-session introduction prior to attending the group lessons.

Math & Geometry
Montessori math and geometry lessons utilize manipulative, hands-on materials to present and reinforce fundamental mathematical concepts.
Spots are available in the following groups:
Mon/Wed 9:30am-10:15am. Multiplication and division of whole numbers and all operations of fractions.
Mon/Thurs 12:00pm-12:45pm. Review of subtraction and multiplication of whole numbers.
New math groups will be formed based on interest, with days and times to be determined. Please contact us.

Book Clubs
Selecting, reading and discussing books together satisfies the elementary students' drive to work with others and to formulate their own understanding of the world and the people in it.
Spots are available in the following groups:
Mon/Thurs 8:30am-9:15am. Guided Reading levels O-R.
Thurs/Fri 11:00am-11:45am. Guided Reading levels I-K
Mon/Wed 3:30pm-4:15pm. Guided Reading levels T-W.
New book clubs will be formed based on interest, with days and times to be determined. Please contact us.

Writers' Circles
Elementary students love to tell stories, to write down their ideas and to be their own illustrators. Writers' Circles give the children a chance to explore different writing genres and to share their work with others.
Spots are available in the following groups:
Wed/Fri 8:30am-9:15am.
New writers' circles will be formed based on interest, with days and times to be determined. Please contact us.

One-on-One Tutoring
Tutoring sessions offer students an opportunity to study a specific topic within a Montessori discipline moving at their own pace with instruction and assistance from the Montessori Guide.
If interested, please contact us,